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Update from Codica Team: Ukraine Stands Strong

March 11, 2022
1 min

Dear friends and colleagues!

As you most likely know from the news, on February 24th 2022 russia started a war in Ukraine.

They attack peaceful cities, and currently the situation is hard in the east, north and south of Ukraine.

Since our team was located in Kharkiv, which is in the east and was shelled and bombed, we decided to relocate our employees. Right now, all Codica team members are safe, either in other areas of Ukraine or abroad.

Starting from March 7th, we fully resumed our work. Which means that we provide full services to all of our existing projects, and starting March 14th we will also consider taking on new clients.

How can you help Ukraine and Codica in particular during these hard times?

  1. Continue doing business with us and other Ukrainian companies.
  2. Donate to the Ukrainian army.
  3. Contact your government and demand them to support Ukraine.
  4. Contact any businesses that still operate in russia and demand that they stop any collaboration with russia.

Here are more details on what you can do:

And last but not least, we would like to thank our friends and clients for continued support. We appreciate it a lot!

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Dmytro CEO | Codica
Dmytro is a software entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience focused on the Lean Startup approach. He loves helping startups build excellent custom products.
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