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Product Discovery

Make your product exceptional and avoid risks from the start.

What is product discovery?

The product discovery is the first step of custom software development. At this phase, we perform complex research and analysis of the client’s idea to develop a solution that meets all their needs.The discovery sessions reveal all the software’s strong and weak points at the earliest stage.With product discovery services, our clients will be able to reduce risks, increase efficiency, minimize development costs, and avoid rework.

Minimize risks

Statistics show that 90% of startups fail. In-depth research of the target audience, their pains, and their goals will help avoid building a failed product.

Save costs

Our experts will help you define the most efficient way to solve your users’ needs, remove unnecessary features and keep development costs low.

Make informed decisions

You will know the exact budget and timeframe you will need to build your initial product and can decide whether you want to proceed or not.

A strong foundation for your future product

Dealing with numerous startups we defined how important it is to create a solution that faces the real needs of the final users. Thus, during the product discovery stage, our priority is to reveal the unique value chain that the platform delivers.

To achieve that, our business analysts define a bunch of features that aim for the specific and direct needs of your customers. Then, experts transform these features in a UX prototype and specification.

For a software project, the discovery process gives a good overview of the functionality. Also, it enables us to adjust the estimation to a specific timeframe or budget in case there are particular measurements.

Therefore, after product discovery sessions with the Codica team, you will be fully armed on your way to building a successful product.

After the project discovery phase is complete, the next step is building a minimum viable product (MVP), which will help test your idea with real users.

Codica team members working on a new project
Services that suit your requirement
Dmytro CEO at Codica
CEO at Codica

“They say that a product well started is a product half built. With the product discovery phase, we will help you get your project right from the start, validate your business idea and avoid failure.

Our expert team will analyze your idea and the problem you want to solve with your product and define the most efficient and cost-effective way to build it. Thanks to this approach, you will be able to make informed decisions right from the start and thus minimize risks.”

Do you have a product idea?

We will help you validate it and make informed decisions.

Talk to an expert

Why does your project need product discovery service?

Our experience shows that the project discovery approach works best for entrepreneurs who only have an idea of a product and want to:

Avoid unnecessary risks

Minimize development cost

Build a product that fits the market

Stand out from the competition

Make informed decisions

Know what features to include in MVP

Minimize the possibility of failure

Get expert advice and avoid rework

Address real users’ needs

Know the exact budget needed

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What happens during the product discovery stage with Codica?

The product discovery stage consists of several sessions (on-site or remote), during which our team will deeply dive into your business idea and the users’ problem you want to solve. The number of sessions varies depending on the project’s complexity. Here’s what we will do during and after product discovery sessions:

Explore the subject area and business idea

Analyze the problem our client wants to solve

Provide project cost and time estimate

Discuss expected challenges and suggest high-level solutions

Define priorities and identify bottlenecks

Suggest the initial product features and form project scope

Define the best technology stack

Perform UX research and create prototypes

Form project documentation

Our product discovery process

The knowledge and insights arising during our expert product discovery sessions will assist you in ensuring consistency and the high quality of your software product.


Assess initial idea

This phase helps our experts align with the client’s aims and meet expectations.

Establish success metrics

Here, we define the main pain points of the solution to prioritize features.

Define the feature set

We determine the main features and create a usability test of them.

Create a proof of concept

At the proof of concept phase we start building the project’s architecture.

Build prototypes

We transform the wireframes into user interface mockups to validate the market response.

Validate the project

We use the functional prototype and guidelines to validate the product with real users.
Our development process | Codica

Product discovery process overview

Any product idea is a hypothesis worth testing before investing in full-fledged development. We treat every hypothesis with due care so that you get a product your customers love.

Product discovery process overview | Codica

Who is involved in product discovery sessions?

To achieve the goals of the project discovery phase, both the Codica team and customer representatives take part in the sessions. Active involvement from the client side is essential to success. Below we have listed the main product discovery roles.

From the customer side:
During the product discovery stage, stakeholders represent the client’s team and deliver their business idea to a software company. They provide as much information about the future product as possible. This will help Codica experts to analyze the idea, evaluate risks and suggest the best solution.
Here’s an example of the details we may need from your side: the product goals, its target audience, what user needs it should cover, your expectations and requirements within a project, etc.
If you have ready requirements documentation, target audience research, wireframes, or prototypes - please provide them as well. The more information we have from the start, the quicker we can evaluate your idea and suggest solutions and cost estimates.
From the Codica team:
Business Analysts / Product Managers
Product Managers collect, analyze and structure the input data from clients.
They apply their domain expertise to research and help evaluate the business idea. Thus, they provide a list of must-have functionality for the primary product. Next, they list epics and user stories and form the project scope that will be transformed into an estimate for the client.
Product Managers also facilitate the discussion process between the client representatives and Codica team members. PMs also make sure the goals of the project discovery phase are met.
Business Analysts / Product Managers
UX/UI Designers
Web designers elaborate and discuss the product idea and what user problem it should solve.
They conduct thorough UX research and analyze the target audience, existing competitors, and their products.
This information will allow UX/UI designers to build wireframes and clickable prototypes to show user flow and features of your future product.
UX/UI Designers
Software Architects
Architects are responsible for technical solutions.
They analyze the existing documentation or requirements, the product functionality, and possible future load. Software architects also make sure that the designed business logic is feasible within the development process.
Finally, technical experts offer the best architectural solution and technical stack to deliver the product quickly.
Software Architects

Featured project

Online Service Marketplace
PlanMyKids is a service marketplace where parents can plan and book kids’ activities nearby. The platform offers a simple solution that connects parents with after-school programs and camps.
Ensured great user experience on both desktop and smartphone with a PWA.
Delivered a scalable MVP on time and below budget.
View case study
PlanMyKids is a service marketplace where parents can plan and book kids’ activities nearby. The platform offers a simple solution that connects parents with after-school programs and camps.
“Working with the Codica team has been a great experience. All the value we thought they would provide during the selection process was met during the delivery.
Our team spent a good time working with a parent focus group to narrow down our MVP features which Codica brought to life through prototypes. When we got too ambitious with features, Codica team helped ground us with reminders of our MVP goals.
In the end Codica delivered our marketplace MVP under budget, which for a bootstrapped company was important.”
David Watkins
David Watkins
Founder of PlanMyKids

Project discovery results: what deliverables you will get

Once the project discovery stage is over, you will receive a set of deliverables prepared by the Codica team. These artifacts will help you make the right decisions about your future product.

Clickable prototypes

One of the product discovery methods is in-depth UX research. As a result, we deliver a set of clickable prototypes for the main pages that represent real application user flow and functionality.

Time and cost estimation

This is one of the main project discovery deliverables; you will receive a detailed estimate divided by features and services specified in hours, including the price for the whole project development process.

List of priority features

Our team will analyze your business goals. Applying our domain expertise, we suggest a set of recommended functionality to launch your product and create a list of prioritized features.

Recommendations on team composition

Based on the project time estimate and release goals. We will offer suitable team composition: backend, frontend developers, project managers, business analysts, UX/UI designers, QA, and DevOps engineers.

Technical stack and architecture

Our architects will analyze your project requirements and will offer the best suitable tech stack to meet your product’s potential future needs fully.

Product specification

This is a high-level structured document that outlines key product requirements and lists other important details which are crucial for building a successful project.

How can you validate your idea and save costs?

Start your project right with a product discovery stage.

Talk to an expert

Success stories

Why choose Codica for a new product discovery

Expert recommendations

We have already delivered numerous products for businesses like yours. So we will help clearly define your potential user problems and how your product can solve them.

Avoid unnecessary expenses

Detailed analysis of your idea will help offer the smallest set of required features to test your idea with no considerable investment.

Speed up the development process

Launching to market quickly is vital to outpace competitors. Proper planning will help avoid unnecessary actions and time wasted making features your users have no interest in.

Clear deliverables and no obligations

We have a standard set of deliverables clearly defined at the beginning. These project discovery results, such as documents and design, can be used by any development team.

Enthusiastic team that cares

We are a result-oriented team that applies deep domain expertise to advise on the best solution for your product goals. We will help you achieve them with a minimum budget.

Answers to all your questions

Are you unsure how to proceed with your idea after the project discovery phase? We will provide you with the time and cost estimation. So you can make informed product decisions.

Our achievements

Our expertise in web development is confirmed by ratings and research companies.

Richard Gunter Founder of Impact Personal Training
Richard Gunter
Founder of Impact Personal Training

“Coming from a gym environment, I had no idea how to build, create, and develop an app. Everything I needed to do was explained to me in layman’s terms. Nothing I asked for was too much.

I was always up to date with where they were at on the project itself, which I found really helpful. And you know, it’s the app itself that has improved our business.”

View case study
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What’s next?

  • 1. We will contact you within 24 hours to discuss the next steps.
  • 2. In the meantime, you can check ourCase StudiesandBlog.
  • 3. We will sign the NDA if required and start the project discussion.
  • 4. We will schedule sessions for the product discovery stage with our company’s experts, who will analyze your requirements and suggest the best ways to bring your idea to life.