We do not offer any part-time job opportunities via Whatsapp/Telegram. We are not asking for payments to get such part-time jobs. This is a SCAM, please read more details here.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Codica: our company, clients, services, workflows, and warranties for the software solutions we provide.

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About Codica

General Questions


Privacy and Confidentiality

Intellectual Property

Software Development Process

Project discovery

UI/UX design




Maintenance and support

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Let’s turn your idea into a successful product!

Talk to a Codica Sales Manager

What’s next?

  • 1. Our Sales Manager Taya will be in touch with you within 1 business day.
  • 2. We will sign the NDA if required, and start the project discussion.
  • 3. Our custom software development experts will analyze your requirements and suggest the best ways to bring your idea to life.