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Yurii ReactJS Developer | Codica


ReactJS Developer
Yurii has excellent analytical skills and vast experience building web apps with the React framework. He never stops improving his development skills.

List of author’s articles

React App Development: UI, Styling, State Management, Testing
11 min
March 23, 2020
React App Development: UI, Styling, State Management, Testing
What tools to use for React app development? Check this list of frameworks and tools on UI, styling, state management, and testing from our React JS developers.
How to Start ReactJS Development Fast: 3 Solid Tools and Best Practices
11 min
November 27, 2019
How to Start ReactJS Development Fast: Solid Tools and Best Practices
How to start ReactJS development fast? Read the article where our React experts overview such tools as CRA, Next.js, and Gatsby and provide our best practices.
Codica authors