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How to Develop a Website with Static Site Generator and Headless CMS

September 30, 2024
11 min

During modern web development, static site generators and headless content management systems (CMS) are the tools that are changing the standard of website creation and management. SSG compiles content into static HTML/CSS/JS files. Thus, access is provided with faster load times and improved security. A headless CMS decouples the aspect of managing content from its presentation. Further on, content can easily be distributed across multiple platforms. Together, they keep developers able to create scalable, efficient websites that are easy to maintain.

This synergy lies at the heart of the Jamstack website development, which depends on JavaScript, APIs, and Markup to provide an effective framework for building dynamic sites. In this article, we'll focus on how SSGs can be used effectively with headless CMS platforms to drive the development of modern websites that meet today's demands.

Benefits of using a static site generator with headless CMS

The integration of static site generators with headless CMS platforms should provide that solid basis on which a website can be built to become effective, safe, and scalable. In this respect, leveraging static site generators coupled with headless CMS integration platforms boosts performance and security, while effectively managing content - hence being ideal for modern web development needs.

Boosted performance and speed

Static site generators prebuilt static HTML site files in their build time. Unlike traditional websites that have to rely on database queries and server-side processing for each and every request, static sites serve up prebuilt content in the blink of an eye.

  • Pre-generated content. SSGs generate static HTML files during the build process;
  • Instant delivery. Serve prebuilt content right away without database queries, ensuring fast website performance;
  • Improved user experience. Speedier load times equal happy users who engage more;
  • Improved SEO. High speeds imply better SEO ratings, optimizing static website performance. According to Google, 53% of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

This cuts down dramatically on load times, upgrading the user experience and giving a boost to SEO rankings. The swiftness amplifies engagement and conversion rates, and that is just what enterprises seeking high speeds need.

Heightened security measures

One big plus for using static sites is security. There isn't any reliance on dynamic content fetching, databases, or server-side logic, so the attack surface becomes smaller.

  • Reduced attack surface. Static sites don't need dynamically fetched content or databases, and this means reduced vulnerability;
  • Less security vulnerability. Fewer components translate to fewer chances of having common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injections. According to a study by the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, more than 80% of web application attacks are caused by exploiting vulnerabilities in dynamic sites;
  • Secure out of the box. The nature of how static sites are set up makes them inherently reliable, allowing for a secure website with static site generator.

Fewer moving parts mean lesser chances of typical security breaks, like SQL injections or server-side breaches. In this way, static sites are much more secure by default.

Stretchability for content-rich websites

Static sites scale effortlessly. With no dependence on real-time server processing, spikes in traffic are carried with grace, not requiring elaborate server setups.

  • Easy scaling. Static sites handle rushes of traffic without much hassle and complicated server setups;
  • Multi-platform content distribution. Headless CMS pushes content to multiple web-platforms, mobile, and Internet of Things (IoT) - using application programming interface (API);
  • Seamless delivery of content. Scalable website architecture assures consistent performance even at a high load.

With a headless CMS, content is distributed across multiple platforms - web, mobile apps, or even IoT devices - via APIs, making sure content delivery is smooth even at scale.

Flawless content management

Even with prebuilt sites, a headless CMS would make it easier to manage the content. This way, content developers could edit and manage the content themselves without actually having to touch code and go into a full rebuild of the site.

  • User-friendly updates. Content authors can maintain and update content without writing code or initiating full-site rebuilds;
  • Decoupled content management. The separation of content from the frontend allows teams to work independently, hence increasing content management workflows efficiency;
  • Flexibility and ease of use. A headless CMS for content editors allow to keep websites fresh with just a little effort involved, and quickly adapt to changing content needs of businesses.

By decoupling the content from the frontend, businesses can keep websites updated with minimal effort and thus make their websites flexible, providing usability.

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Step-by-step guide: developing a website with static site generator and headless CMS

An SSG website with a headless CMS unites the best of all worlds in terms of performance, maintainability, and ease of management. In this tutorial, you'll take a step-by-step walkthrough of choosing the right tool, preparation, deployment, and further maintenance of such a website.

Step 1: Choosing the right static site generator

First comes choosing a static site generator that best fits the project needs and technical skill level. SSG selection must be user-friendly, performance-oriented, and supported by an active community. An intuitive interface with good documentation is key in making an SSG first choice, having fast build times with optimization.

It is worth noting, however, that actual development will have to be preceded by a product discovery phase in order to define the needs of the projects accurately and reduce risks. Our product discovery services will provide you with the ability to deeply understand the needs and goals of your project and guide you on the best choice of SSG.

Building static sites with Gatsby, Hugo static site generator and other popular options allows you to leverage their unique strengths to create fast, efficient, and easily maintainable web projects tailored to your specific requirements.

Popular SSGFeaturesIdeal forProsCons
Next.jsHybrid framework for static and server-rendered pages, built-in API routes.Dynamic applications.Versatile, supports both static generation and server-side rendering.More complex setup, requires knowledge of React.
AstroComponent-based architecture, zero JavaScript by default, static site generation, Markdown support.Fast static sites, projects using multiple frameworks.High performance, flexibility, great developer experience.Relatively new, limited resources, complexity with multiple frameworks.
GatsbyReact-based, rich plugin ecosystem, GraphQL for data fetching.React developers.Highly customizable, excellent performance, and SEO optimization.Complex configuration, build speed issues, plugin dependency.
HugoFast build times, easy to set up, supports Markdown.Simple sites.Extremely fast, flexible templating, and a wide range of themes.Limited plugin ecosystem compared to others.

Step 2: Selecting a headless CMS

Secondly, choose a headless CMS that matches your content management workflow needs. Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, and API capabilities when making your choice.

ContentfulFlexible API, strong content modeling capabilities, and a rich ecosystem of integrations.Great for large-scale applications and teams.Can be expensive as you scale.
StrapiOpen-source, customizable, built-in user authentication, and easy to deploy.Full control over your data and hosting.Requires more setup compared to some SaaS options.
SanityReal-time collaboration, a powerful query language (GROQ), and customizable content studio.Flexible and developer-friendly.Learning curve for advanced features.
PrismicFocuses on content slices for modular content, built-in versioning, and scheduling.Great for marketing teams needing quick updates.Limited customization compared to other options.

You can refer to the table to compare popular headless CMS options based on key features, pricing, and usability.

Step 3: Setting up the development environment

Setting up your development environment is one of the important processes involving SSG in building your website, combined with a headless CMS.

Here's a simple guide to do so:

1. Prerequisites.Download Node.js. Ensure you have a package manager, npm (included with Node.js) or Yarn;

2. Install your chosen SSG. Open your terminal and install your chosen SSG globally. For example, for Gatsby, use the command: npm install -g gatsby-cli;

3. Create a new project with the following commands.gatsby new my-gatsby-site, cd my-gatsby-site, npm install. Then, change to your new project folder: cd my-gatsby-site, and install necessary dependencies npm install;

4. Set up version control. If you want to use version control, initialize a Git repository: git init. Add common patterns to exclude unnecessary files;

5. Run the development server with.gatsby develop. And now, you can access your site at http://localhost:8000.

With your environment set up, you're ready to start developing your high-performance website using an SSG and headless CMS.

Step 4: Connecting the static site generator to the headless CMS

Integrate the headless CMS with your SSG by setting up API connections. Use the CMS’s API to fetch content dynamically and pre-build static pages. Most SSGs, like Gatsby and Next.js, provide built-in connectors for popular headless CMS platforms, making this step easier.

Here’s a concise guide:

1. Generate API keys. Log in to your headless CMS. Navigate to API settings and create an API key for authentication;

2. Install necessary packages. Install libraries for API calls, such as axios for REST APIs;

3. Configure your SSG. Update your SSG configuration (e.g., gatsby-config.js) to include the API endpoint and key, facilitating headless CMS API integration;

4. Fetch data. Use data-fetching methods provided by your SSG. For example, in Gatsby, use GraphQL queries to retrieve data from your Strapi CMS and static site generator setup;

5. Test the connection. Run your local server to verify that the data fetch works as expected. Check the output for correctness;

6. Error handling. Implement error handling to manage failed requests and display fallback content.

And store sensitive information (like API keys) in a .env file for security in the end. By following these steps, you can effectively connect your SSG to a headless CMS, enabling dynamic content retrieval.

Step 5: Creating content models and templates

Define the content models in the headless CMS. For example, you may create a model for blog posts, product pages, or services.

1. Define content models. Decide on content types (e.g., blog posts, pages). Set up models in your headless CMS;

2. Set up fields. Define necessary (text, media, rich text);

3. Configure relationships. Link related content types (e.g., posts to authors);

4. Create templates in your SSG. Design templates for each model;

5. Integrate data fetching. Use the SSG’s methods to pull data into templates;

6. Testing. Populate with sample data and test the templates.

On confirmation of your models, create templates in your SSG that will dynamically pull and display the content.

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Step 6: Building the frontend with static site generator

Now, develop the frontend components using the SSG. Organize your code into components, pages, and templates. Ensure that each template corresponds to a specific content model, dynamically displaying the content pulled from the CMS.

1. Setup project structure. Setup with a directory for components, pages, and assets so that things remain organized;

2. Reusable UI components. Create headers, footers, and other components that would be used across your application, following your design system to maintain consistency;

3. Create layout and style. Create layout components and decide the styling methodology that includes but is not limited to CSS or CSS in JS. The style must be responsive and follow accessibility principles;

4. Fetch content. Hook into your SSG data-fetching methods to pull content from your headless CMS into your components;

5. Optimize and test. Do optimization for performance - image optimization, lazy loading. Test responsiveness on devices.

Step 7: Fetching content data via APIs integrations

It’s advisable to fetch content from a headless CMS for dynamic data to be rendered on a static site. First of all, study the API documentation and methods of authentication.

Use GraphQL queries in Gatsby or REST APIs in Next.js to fetch the needed content at build time, facilitating any type of integration. Also, don't forget to add error handling and optimization by checking the rate limits.

Step 8: Previewing and testing the website

Create your local development server and check your site in real time. Then, test your website on various devices and screen sizes to ensure the website is responsive and accessible. You can use browser developer tools to pinpoint any issues in layout. Lastly, perform user testing with real users to get feedback regarding usability. Fix all bugs, improve performance, and you're good to go for your final review and deployment.

Step 9: Deploying the static website

After thorough testing of your website, it’s time to deploy it online. You can consider using serverless static website hosting since most of them handle static websites quite well.

Observe some of the sites listed below:

  • Netlify. It allows you to deploy automatically from your Git repositories. Push updates with ease. Netlify has features that include form handling, serverless functions, and a global сontent delivery network to ensure fast loading times;
  • Vercel. For use with any static site generator. It contains instant caching, serverless functions, and analytics to make performance optimal;
  • GitHub Pages. They’re good at hosting simple, static websites right from your GitHub repository.

These websites have continuous deployment features that ensure your static site scales well and is fast in loading.

Step 10: Maintaining and updating content

Once your static website goes live, plan renewals of content for freshness. With a headless CMS, none of the challenges mentioned earlier stand in your way to easy content updates without re-deploying a website. Periodically test links and functionality, and keep a regular backup strategy for your content.

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Combining static site generators and headless CMS: best practices

Static site generators integrated with the headless CMS will bring added value to your web development. All those benefits of smooth workflows, optimal performance, and robust security will need best practices to be followed.

Efficient content management workflows

Clearly define the roles in which the content editors make changes via headless CMS, while developers are allowed to make structure modifications to the site. Using Git for version control will help in maintaining a robust codebase. If the continuous deployment systems like Netlify or Vercel are used, the update of the content is automated.

Optimizing site performance

Applying lazy loading static site generator methodologies noticeably helps in increasing performance. Lazy loading of images and media will make the experience faster. This will allow the page to load much quicker for the first time. Image optimization also allows pictures to be just-right-sized, which makes them load more quickly. The use of CDNs will enhance content delivery speed much faster in all parts of the world.

Security considerations

Protect your static site with the least possible exposure of sensitive API keys and by implementing HTTPS extension. Keep the dependencies updated: it’s of high importance to keep the vulnerabilities at bay. Secure API calls between SSG and headless CMS, and introduce authentication for content management when needed.

Behind the scenes of our website: the power of Gatsby and Strapi

We are proud to say that our website was made with Gatsby and Strapi and the difference it has made for us is just huge.

Gatsby has been amazing for performance. Our site loads up pretty fast, which our users definitely appreciate. Additionally, it's great for SEO since those static pages are so easily indexed by search engines. Being built upon React also lets us create smooth, interactive experiences for visitors.

On the other hand, we love using Strapi as our headless CMS. It gives us a huge amount of flexibility to manage our content with ease through an API that decouples the content from the frontend. Thatʼs super handy. Strapi's admin panel is easy to use, so adding and editing content from our end is pretty straightforward. And when it comes to updates, we are able to make changes without having to rebuild the entire site, which really saves us a lot of time.

In all, Gatsby and Strapi have truly improved our website. We now enjoy a faster, more flexible platform that has made content management much easier and improved the experience for our visitors.


Static site generators and headless CMS keep your static website development at the bleeding edge of speed, security, and scalability. Developers get to create highly efficient websites, super-fast loading of the pages, and exceptional user experience. Decoupling the front from the back makes your workflow flexible and thus enables teams to work with the best tools for specific needs. Since the web keeps on evolving, learn more about this new paradigm in web development and unlock how to create modern, robust, maintainable, and differentiated websites.

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Dmytro is a software entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience focused on the Lean Startup approach. He loves helping startups build excellent custom products.
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