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The Ultimate Guide About Cloud Applications Development: Types, Cost, and Timeline

April 25, 2024
8 min

In general, cloud app development refers to the process of creating software applications that are deployed and run on cloud computing infrastructure. These apps use cloud platforms' scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness to deliver Internet services and functionality to users.

Here, you will find the main stages of cloud application development, costs, and more helpful information. This article will provide valuable insights if you're looking to build a SaaS product or tailor existing solutions to your specific needs.

What you should know about cloud-based applications development

A cloud-based application is software that runs its data storage and processing via the Internet. Data exchange with the cloud solution occurs between two systems: server-side and client-side.

Developing a cloud app has great prospects nowadays. How can we prove it? The cloud app market size grows by turnover year over year. Notably, the cloud software market is projected to reach about $169 billion by 2025.

The growth of cloud app software market 2013-2025

If you are new in the cloud technology market, you may need some arguments to choose cloud-based application development. Here is the list of the main cloud computing benefits that make cloud solutions so attractive.


Every application requires some resources, such as hardware and software, to function. Sometimes, the purchase and development of the whole infrastructure is the best option. Yet, it is possible to rent the infrastructure in a cloud platform, build and launch cloud applications here.

For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers everything, starting from the hardware to various cloud services. To use AWS, a business owner needs a DevOps team.


Cloud platforms usually offer out-of-box services and other tools to make cloud app development faster and simpler. For example, cloud development services can simplify the architectural decision-making process or solve other cloud native application development issues.

Flexibility and scalability

If you need to modify or scale your cloud app, it is easier to purchase more cloud services from the cloud platform than buy, for example, more RAM sticks. Why?

Adding more RAM (Random Access Memory) sticks can slow your computer's work. Optimizing your storage with the cloud solution will transfer a big part of your files to a cloud storage service. Transferring your data to the cloud storage helps improve your platform's workflow.

Flexibility is also a great benefit of cloud apps. Thanks to cloud solutions, people can access data from any device with an Internet connection.

Data management

Cloud applications allow quick access to personalized data and immediate clients' feedback. This quick feedback neutralizes the “garbage in—garbage out” problem. Irrelevant incoming data leads to incorrect results. Quick feedback helps define the necessary data.

High competitiveness

The ability to scale and evolve is a competitive benefit for any software solution. Cloud-based solutions are easily scalable, so they are more beneficial compared to stationery software.

Data security

Cloud app development must follow common security standards. It does not mean absolute protection, but your data will not be an easy trophy for hackers and data thefts. Besides, it helps to meet government regulations.

Remote work

The cloud-based application can be planned, developed, installed, and accessed from any spot in the world. It is essential for clients and opens the gates for different types of collaboration and distributed teams.

Automatic updates

When software is installed on the physical device, all updates are the task of system administrators. For cloud-based applications development, a platform support team will care about this. Almost no work for the cloud application owner.

Read also: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS: Choosing the Best Cloud Computing Model

Types of cloud-based solutions by access

When enterprise data is available via the Internet, there are always questions about data security and access. By the type of access, all modern cloud deployment models are divided into four types: private, community, public, and hybrid.

Types of cloud deployment models

Private cloud

All cloud infrastructure is deployed on a private remote server, sometimes owned by the company. Only the internal company’s users can access the data in this cloud. A private cloud can be unavailable from the Internet and use the Intranet only, but it remains a cloud.

The cost of a private cloud is unbearably high for small businesses, so it is usually used by enterprise-type clients.

Community cloud

This type of cloud infrastructure is close to the private cloud. The difference is that cloud apps and data are shared between many organizations. This type of cloud requires more security control measures, in other characteristics, this model is similar to a private cloud.

An excellent example of a community cloud is a government network with a common database, infrastructure, and resources.

Public cloud

The most popular type of cloud is the public cloud. All data, applications, and resources are alive on public cloud resources. Access is available via an authorized device. Access via a browser can also be available, but often in limited mode.

Public cloud platforms offer a broad service range for optimal prices. They are available for different sizes of companies, organizations, and even private persons.

Hybrid cloud

This type of cloud combines private and public functions. Some data can be available inside the organization only, and some can be shared with third-party organizations and persons. A hybrid cloud is the model of the future because of its flexibility in functions and prices.

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How to develop a cloud-based application

Below, you can see the custom software development process we use at Codica.

Cloud application development at Codica

Product discovery

Every software development process starts with an analysis. At Codica, we conduct product discovery sessions to define clients’ business needs and features to create.

Before the first symbol of code will be saved in a cloud, the development team should choose the type of application. Cloud platforms allow literally any type of app, from the operating system to the microservice.

Here is an image that demonstrates what are the main tasks of the project discovery phase at Codica.

The project discovery phase at the  Codica development company

Then in the analysis stage, the project team collects all the information and reviews it. As the next step, it clarifies the business task, main functions, primary functions, and other details. At this stage, a team usually chooses the type of cloud platform and a software vendor for cloud application development.

Then, the team develops a service model, application architecture, the necessary microservices, and a tech stack. The tech stack for the cloud-based application is developed on a previous decision, including:

  • Chosen cloud platform;
  • Application type and size;
  • Features and design;
  • Scalability plans.

In general, the more control you want over your application, the broader your tech stack will be.

UI/UX design

A solution design is not only a nice interface. UX/UI design services define any interaction between auser and an application. Poorly designed web applications leave the market quickly. In the best case, they stay unnoticed among the more attractive competing apps. In the worst case, unsatisfied users will complain about the application and kill it at a low rate.

UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) designers in Codica recommend starting with deep market research in the discovery stage. Understanding the user’s needs is the key to a friendly and appealing design. Also, we recommend testing your UI design before coding because it can save much cloud development time.

When a cloud-based app design is ready, approved by a client, and tested, it’s time to start product development.

Read also: How to Design a SaaS Application: Trends and Best Practices

Cloud development

Then, the main phase starts the coding. It is a universal process and requires skills and knowledge.

If a team did great work on the discovery stage, the cloud-based software development stage should go flawlessly or close to it. Of course, each project faces some obstacles that can impact the timeline, budget, functions, and other aspects of the project. Yet, in Codica, we know that good planning and quick reactions to challenges can drive the project until the app development is finished.


After that, an application goes to a quality assuring phase. Your clients will not like glitchy cloud software that cannot perform well and loses important information. Find and fix as many code defects as your team can.

In Codica, testing consists of four main stages. First, we create a testing strategy for the product. Then, we define the acceptance criteria: at what point the result can be satisfactory. The following stage is the quality testing process with the use of test cases and checklists. At last, we use regression testing to check new functionality.

With our quality assurance services, we deliver high-quality cloud apps that satisfy the needs of our clients with minimal issues.

Maintenance and support

After your cloud application is ready, you release it. The last stage of the cloud development life cycle begins. Your application runs on one of the cloud platforms, brings money to the business, and your customers are happy.

Yet, it is a bad idea to leave the cloud app alone. Sometimes, users find new bugs and issues in your cloud-based software. Your solution needs to be updated along with a platform or solely. A good idea is if a software development team tracks the cloud-based application and reacts to the problems quickly.

Also, the market develops dynamically, following changing customer needs. Cloud software should adapt to the market to stay competitive. So, it should be regularly reviewed and updated.

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The cost of a cloud-based application development

The cloud-based apps can be of any type and size. It can be an operating system, database, application, microservice, and more.

Here is what you should consider when building a SaaS application:

  • Project scope;
  • Implemented functionality;
  • Cost of the cloud development team.

Project scope

If you create the first cloud application, better keep it simple. Start with one SaaS tool and then develop it. In this case, the costs will be affordable.

Basic cloud apps can start from $500 for full-cycle development. But, if you want something more than a microservice, be ready to pay $15,000 and more. It will require 200 to 600 hours of cloud development time.

Implemented functionality

When you get feedback on cloud-based apps development, you can add some desirable features. They will also influence the product cost.

The cloud platforms offer standard functionality for all apps. It includes role-based access, an analytical dashboard, CRM (customer relationship management), analytics, and so on. You can extend the list.

Medium and complex cloud apps can take 1000+ hours of development time, costing from $50,000. This price is calculated in the range of $50 per hour, which is medium-to-low.

Cost of the software development team

A development time rate for a cloud based app depends on various factors, one of them is the location of your development company. Hiring a team from Eastern Europe will cost less than a team from Western Europe or Northern America.

The cloud-based app development timeline can vary from a couple of months to years. It also depends on application type, team size, and dozens of other factors. So, we provide this timeline as a sample.

Here is a calculation for the custom SaaS platform for the real estate website developed by Codica.

How much does it cost to build a real estate SaaS platform?
FeaturesTime, hoursCost, $50/hour
UX Development72 hours$3,600
UI Development128 hours$6,400
Project setup48 hours$2,400
DB structure32 hours$1,600
Payment (Stripe or PayPal)80 hours$4,000
Main functionality
Authorization and Security72 hours$3,600
User Profiles42 hours$2,100
Home page84 hours$4,200
Search and filters96 hours$4,800
Reviews & ratings64 hours$3,200
Payout42 hours$2,100
Notifications48 hours$2,400
Messenger96 hours$4,800
Geolocation feature48 hours$2,400
Managing listings64 hours$3,200
Booking system64 hours$3,200
Property page96 hours$4,800
Admin panel96 hours$4,800
Guests panel84 hours$4,200
Hosts panel84 hours$4,200
Non development activity
Project management96 hours$4,800
Quality assurance120 hours$6,000
Code review48 hours$2,400
Total1704 hours$85,200

Read also: How Much Does It Cost to Build a SaaS Product in 2024: Detailed Guide


Today, cloud solutions are recognized as an essential tool for accelerating the digital transformation of businesses. Now, you have the significant information to decide if it is worth it to build a SaaS solution.

If you do not have the necessary resources to develop a cloud-based application or face obstacles at any cloud native development stage, you can contact us. Our development company specializes in SaaS development services. We have many years of experience in this industry.

We will be happy to share our expertise and help you with cloud applications development for your business.

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