We do not offer any part-time job opportunities via Whatsapp/Telegram. We are not asking for payments to get such part-time jobs. This is a SCAM, please read more details here.
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Progressive Web Apps
Development Services

Looking to extend your online presence? Make your brand stand out with a cross-platform PWA.

How a PWA will benefit your website

With progressive web app development services, you will get a fast and modern cost-effective alternative to native apps. Turn your website into a progressive web app and quickly boost your business.

Rank higher in Google search

Mobile-first approach guarantees that your website will be listed higher in Google search results, be it on mobile or desktop.

Improve user acquisition

Your website visitors will quickly turn into customers as they can easily install your PWA directly from the website.

Increase conversion rate

Fast loading time (less than 1 second) and push notifications increase user engagement rate and boost conversion.

Cost-effective mobile presence with a PWA

Progressive web application development is a great option for businesses that are looking to quickly enhance their mobile presence and grow website traffic within a reasonable budget.

Mobile-generated traffic is growing at tremendous speed. Currently, mobile phones produce 60% of all the traffic in the world. At the same time, Google states that 53% of users will abandon a site if it takes longer than 2 seconds to load, which means that having a fast-loading website should be a priority.

How can you improve your website loading speed and effectively engage with the mobile audience at the same time? The PWA (progressive web app) technology is the best and most cost-effective solution. By making your website a progressive web app, you will make it load faster than regular websites.

Additionally, while still being a web page, your PWA will provide visitors with a great user experience close to that of a native app, boost traffic and increase conversion rate. Therefore, building your PWA with the help of an experienced progressive web app development company will benefit your business in many ways.

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Eugene Front-end Developer at Codica
Front-end Developer at Codica

“By creating a progressive web app, you will get a cross-platform application for a cost much lower than that of building separate native iOS and Android apps. And as a bonus - your PWA website will rank higher in Google search results.

Being a PWA developer engaged in multiple progressive app development projects, I can also add that PWAs are secure and fast-loading. This technology is a great alternative to native apps, and a knowledgeable progressive web app development company will help you make the most of PWAs.”

Planning to build a progressive web app?

We would love to help you!

Talk to an expert

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

By combining the best of the web and mobile, the PWA technology offers a great number of advantages. While still being a web page, your PWA website will be able to compete with native apps in many aspects, at the same time being cross-platform and more secure. What’s more, when collaborating with an experienced progressive web app agency, you get the cost of PWA development that is considerably lower than native app development.






Working offline

Easy to install



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Companies that have successfully implemented the PWA technology

Since PWAs were introduced by Google in 2015, numerous businesses have benefited from creating a progressive web app. We will name a few of them.

Companies that have successfully implemented the PWA technology
  • 74% increase in time spent per session across all browsers
  • 104% for new users across all browsers; 82% increase in iOS conversion rate
The Washington Post
The Washington Post
  • 23% increase in mobile search users who return within 7 days
  • 88% improvement in load time for AMP content versus traditional mobile web
  • 3x more time spent on site
  • 40% higher re-engagement rate
  • 70% greater conversion rate among those arriving via Add to Homescreen
  • 31% - Increase in conversion rate
  • 20% - More page views per visit
  • 2x - Lower bounce rate
  • 3.8x - Faster average page load time
  • 75% increase in tweets sent
  • 20% decrease in bounce rate
  • 65% increase in pages per session
  • 38% more conversions
  • 40% lower bounce rate
  • 10% longer average session
  • 30% faster page load

Our approach on progressive web application development

At Codica, we have been providing PWA development services for our customers since 2015, using the best practices recommended by Google.

Being a PWA development company, we are passionate about this technology and believe that it is here to stay and change the history of mobile apps. This is why all the web apps created by our team are PWA (progressive web apps) by default.

With the help of service workers, we create PWA websites that load fast, keep your visitors engaged, and improve your brand visibility via cross-platform presence.

In progressive web development, our PWA developers keep end users in mind and consider particular business needs and industry peculiarities. Thus, we ensure that PWA projects delivered bring the best results and help your business grow.

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Ready to build your progressive web app?

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Domain expertise you can rely on

Codica team has been providing progressive web app development services for many years. Building PWA websites for particular industries has allowed us to grow in-house expertise which we share with our customers. We provide consultations on every stage of progressive web development and build products following the best industry standards.


Intuitive and secure solutions for convenient hiring.


Fast-loading marketplace platforms that boost sales.


Easy-to-use booking platforms to drive traffic and sales.

Accommodation rental

Engaging home rental websites to disrupt the market.


Robust platforms for vehicle rental and sale business.


Innovative solutions to enhance your business.

Featured PWA project

Wowner is an online job search solution for the Netherlands market. It helps people to find new relevant jobs based on their preferences and skills.
Built a cross-platform PWA to save costs and time for mobile apps development.
Developed a ready-to-the-market job search platform within a short time frame.
View case study
Wowner is an online job search solution for the Netherlands market. It helps people to find new relevant jobs based on their preferences and skills.
“Codica’s ability to start fast, professional approach to custom software development, clear communication, result-oriented team, and the final product delivered - all these proved that we made the right choice. We hope for new mutual projects in the future!”
Geert-Jan Waasdorp
Geert-Jan Waasdorp
Co-Owner of Wowner

Perfect tech stack for PWA websites

You can rely on Codica as an experienced progressive web app agency. Over the years, we have picked a list of PWA development tools helping us build high-quality engaging apps that help businesses grow. Together with our efficient development process, these tools enable us to keep the cost of PWA development services within our clients’ expectations.


Success stories

Why you should choose Codica as PWA development company

Save costs and launch quickly

Our progressive web application development process is efficient and fully transparent, allowing us to deliver your solution on time and on budget.

Get expert recommendations

Having delivered numerous PWA websites, our experienced team has a profound market and industry knowledge.

The right solution for your needs

Clients’ success is our priority. We carefully align your business requirements with the functionality of PWA apps to ensure the best value.

Best industry standards

We follow all industry trends and Google recommendations and adapt our progressive app development process according to the best standards.

Support after launch

Our PWA development services don’t stop when your solution goes live. Codica’s reliable support team will ensure your website runs smoothly.

Enthusiastic team that cares

Being small and flexible, our team cares about each of our PWA projects, and will work as hard for the best results as your in-house employees.

Our achievements

We are immensely thrilled to develop awesome projects. Independent ratings and research firms recognize our work.

Richard Gunter Founder of Impact Personal Training
Richard Gunter
Founder of Impact Personal Training

“Coming from a gym environment, I had no idea how to build, create, and develop an app. Everything I needed to do was explained to me in layman’s terms. Nothing I asked for was too much.

I was always up to date with where they were at on the project itself, which I found really helpful. And you know, it’s the app itself that has improved our business.”

View case study
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Let’s build a great progressive web app together!

Talk to a Codica Sales Manager

What’s next?

  • 1. Our Sales Manager Taya will be in touch with you within 1 business day.
  • 2. We will sign the NDA if required, and start the project discussion.
  • 3. Our custom software development experts will analyze your requirements and suggest the best ways to bring your idea to life.