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React Native App
Development Services

We create lightweight and stable apps delivering an excellent user experience with our professional React Native development services. Request a quote!

React Native app development services we offer

Codica is a leading software development company that offers a range of services for React Native app development. Our specialists are tailored to meet the unique requirements of each client, with a focus on delivering high-quality, scalable, and user-friendly apps.The Codica team follows an agile development methodology and maintains transparent communication with clients throughout development, ensuring a collaborative and successful partnership.

React Native app consulting

Our expert team of different professionals provides guidance on the best practices, technology stack, and UI/UX design to help clients make informed decisions and create successful apps.

Mobile app design services

Our design experts follow the latest design trends and ensure the app’s interface is intuitive and engaging, providing an excellent user experience.

MVP development services

We help clients quickly launch their apps with essential features, validate their ideas, and gather user feedback to iterate and improve the app based on real-world usage.

React Native app development

As experienced developers, we create full-fledged mobile apps with seasoned features using React Native framework, providing a consistent experience across different platforms.

React Native migration

Codica ensures businesses a smooth transition of their existing mobile apps by leveraging their expertise in React Native app development and migration techniques.

Support and maintenance

Our React Native app developers and DevOps specialists provide ongoing support and maintenance offering timely bug fixes, updates, and optimizations to keep the app up-to-date and running smoothly.

Benefits of app development with React Native

Basically, the main advantages of React Native mobile app development include cross-platform development, native-like performance, and cost efficiency. Also, our React Native developers provide several other essential development benefits for your business.


React Native developers can reuse a significant portion of the codebase, reducing development time and effort and improving overall code maintainability.

High performance

With native components, React Native apps have smoother animations, faster load times, and overall better performance, providing a native-like experience to users.


By continuously being updated and improved, the React Native remains up-to-date with industry standards and best practices, and any bugs or issues are quickly addressed.

Cross-platform development

Using a single codebase for different platforms streamlines the development process. Developers save time and effort, allowing for an app’s faster time to market.

Comprehensive toolset

React Native offers many developer tools and libraries that provide powerful debugging and development capabilities for developers to build, test, and deploy React Native apps.

Real-time updates

With a built-in live reload feature, React Native app developers can explore changes in the app’s user interface (UI) in real time without rebuilding the entire application.
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Want to create a new mobile app?

Our expert team will deliver you a reliable solution.

Contact us

Business types that trust our React development services

Due to its cost-effectiveness, flexibility, scalability, and our specialists' professional skills, Codica’s React Native app development services are trusted by a wide range of businesses, including startups, mid-scale companies, and enterprises.


New businesses often choose these services due to their cost-effectiveness and ability to build apps quickly. React’s reusable components and fast development cycle are ideal options for startups looking to develop and launch their products efficiently.

Small & mid-scale businesses

React’s modular architecture allows easy integration with existing systems and seamless updates, making it suitable for mid-sized businesses looking to enhance their online presence and user experience (UX).


Businesses with complex and large-scale apps place their trust in React Native app development services. Established companies, such as Walmart, Bloomberg, and Facebook, are known to utilize React Native for their app development needs.

Our React Native app development process

Working with Codica’s experienced React Native development team can help ensure a smooth, well-structured, and successful development process for your app idea.

This stage involves understanding your app idea, defining its goals, objectives, features, and overall scope, and conducting market research to identify user needs and preferences.
Our UI/UX specialists design your app by creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the project’s layout, navigation, and user interface according to the latest design trends.
Product development
Using the React Native framework, our development team writes reusable code components, implements app features and functionality, and integrates with APIs or backend systems.
Codica’s QA engineers conduct functional, performance, compatibility, and user acceptance testing to ensure the app is stable and secure and it provides a seamless user experience.
Post-launch support
After the app is launched, our expert team provides ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the app’s smooth operation, timely updates, and bug fixes as needed.
Richard Gunter Founder of Impact Personal Training
Richard Gunter
Founder of Impact Personal Training

“Coming from a gym environment, I had no idea how to build, create, and develop an app. Everything I needed to do was explained to me in layman’s terms. Nothing I asked for was too much.

I was always up to date with where they were at on the project itself, which I found really helpful. And you know, it’s the app itself that has improved our business.”

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The top technology stack that we choose

Our choice of the technology stack for a React Native app development depends on various factors such as the specific project requirements and preferences, scalability needs, and timeline. Regardless, our team collected some commonly used and popular technology stack components for React Native app development.

React Native
Google Play Console
Visual Studio Code

Benefits to create your React Native product with Codica

We are a well-established and reputable software development company with expertise in building custom mobile applications. So, our specialists develop innovative and high-quality solutions catering to diverse industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, finance, travel, and more.

React Native development expertise

Codica has a team of skilled React Native developers who deeply understand the framework and can leverage it to build robust and scalable mobile apps.

Expert quality assurance

Codica’s QA specialists conduct thorough testing at each development stage to identify and resolve any issues before they impact the user experience.

Transparent communication

Our team informs you of project progress throughout development. We use an agile approach with daily and weekly meetings so we can make changes to the project as soon as possible.

Customized solutions

We take the time to understand your business goals and create a mobile application that aligns with your brand and vision.

Timely delivery

We use agile development methodologies to ensure the project remains on course and is delivered on time and within budget.

Post-launch support

Our team is available to address any issues or concerns that may arise and to provide ongoing support as needed.

Ready to try the power of React Native?

Our experts will deliver you an excellent app.

Contact us

Our portfolio

PWA for fitness
Impact is a fitness app that connects trainers and their clients via desktops and smartphones. The application allows for assigning and tracking personal training and nutrition programs.
400+ exercises included
2000+ workouts performed
View case study
Impact is a fitness app that connects trainers and their clients via desktops and smartphones. The application allows for assigning and tracking personal training and nutrition programs.
“The Codica team is professional and very helpful. They changed the solution and added new features per our requests, and ensured the proper work of the app even with high loads on servers.”
Richard Gunter
Richard Gunter
Founder of Impact Personal Training

Codica is a reliable React Native app development company

As amobile app development companywe prioritize your unique requirements and business goals to deliver tailor-made solutions that exceed your expectations. Our team follows industry best practices and conducts rigorous testing to ensure the highest quality standards and bug-free apps. We deliver React Native application development services for years to make our clients happy.

years in touch
$56+ mln
clients obtained
successful projects delivered
team size
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Let’s develop an outstanding application together!

Talk to a Codica Sales Manager

What’s next?

  • 1. We will contact you within 24 hours to discuss the next steps.
  • 2. In the meantime, you can check ourCase StudiesandBlog.
  • 3. We will sign the NDA if required and start the project discussion.
  • 4. Our custom app specialists will analyze your requirements and suggest the best ways to bring your idea to life.