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Maksym Tech Lead & Rails expert | Codica


Tech Lead & Rails expert
Maksym knows how to create a lightweight solution and optimize the existing code. He helps our clients to create fast-loading, secure, and helpful products.

List of author’s articles

Weaviate Integration: An Introduction to AI Search | Codica
18 min
November 27, 2023
Getting Started with Weaviate: A Beginner’s Guide to AI Search
Need More Flexible Search on Your Website? Read Our Expert Article on Vector Search and Databases! ✔️Our Experience in Integrating the Weaviate Vector Search Engine!
How to Choose a Web Hosting Service: 5 Factors To Consider | Codica
14 min
August 30, 2022
How to Choose Web Hosting for Your New Product
Do you need a web host to present your website online? This article focuses on the crucial aspects of web hosting and can help you make the right choice.
Codica authors