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Was 2022 a challenging year for Ukrainians and Ukrainian businesses? Yes. Did Codica manage to stay afloat? Yes, we were able to do it. Have we become even more united and stronger? Definitely.

With the start of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 2022, the life of every Ukrainian has changed. Businesses in Ukraine also faced severe challenges. As a result, some closed, while others found new ways to operate.

The Codica company adapted to changes efficiently and continued growth even under war conditions. In this article, we want to summarize the results of this turbulent year.

In 2022 we:

Were apart but together

Until February 24th, 2022, our team was based in Kharkiv, Ukraine. We decided to relocate our teammates when russia started a war. Now, all Codica’s members are located in other areas of Ukraine that are not on the frontlines, or in other countries.

Since the beginning of the war, we have switched to remote work. Was that a problem for us?

At Codica, we are already hardened in terms of remote work. We had such an experience in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Processes in Codica have already been adapted to work remotely into a well-established mechanism. It allows our team to work on projects effectively. In addition, all of Codica's guys gave their best. They showed great self-discipline and composure and did not let the team down.

Challenges for the Codica

Supported Ukrainian defenders

While Ukraine is resisting the russian invaders, someone serves in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the terrorist defense. Someone heals our wounded heroes. Someone goes to work every morning to pay taxes and donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We agree that every Ukrainian must contribute to bringing victory closer.

At Codica, we do all we can to help the army. We are regularly involved in fund-raising activities for our soldiers. We donated to purchase medicines, cars, clothes, military uniforms, and equipment and continue to do it.

Codica helps the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Hired new talents

Despite the war, the crisis, and the rush to reorganize processes, the hiring process at Codica has not stopped. Since the beginning of the war, our team has only grown and replenished with talented people.

Let's look at the following statistics. Codica has given offers to 26 people since the beginning of 2022. Therefore, 18 people have passed the probation successfully, and eight are still interning with us.

Recruitment process at Codica in 2022

Indeed, to fight and win, the country needs a functioning economy. We know it is essential to lend a shoulder to the Ukrainian economy. At Codica, we do this through taxes and help the guys from Ukraine reach their full potential. Therefore, we continue to provide job places. You can check our open positions on the website.

Were again among the best web development companies

This year, Codica was again mentioned in the list of the best software companies in Ukraine, according to GoodFirms. Furthermore, GoodFirms named Codica one of the most lucrative premium software product providers.

Our CEO, Dmitry, in his extensive recent interview with GoodFirms, said that Codica includes a pool of skilled and talented web development specialists passionate about technology and innovation. And this is definitely our key to success.

Moreover, Codica continues to pursue the essential values of our company to guarantee our customers high-quality services and the best completed projects. Below you can see exactly which core values we follow in our work process.

Codica's core values

Made even more clients happy

One of the main goals of any business is to meet clients’ needs. And we are not an exception. Our constant desire is to hone our professional skills and increase our level of competence. Such intentions allow us to build long-term relationships with our clients. We hope this gives clients a sense of confidence in our work relationship.

Each new project is always a challenge, a new experience, and new knowledge for us. But we like challenges and are not afraid of difficulties.

This year was full of complex and exciting projects. We have experience in creating projects for different countries focusing on the target audience. For example, recently, we developed two websites for one client in Australia.

One was a boat sales marketplace, Trade A Boat, for sea lovers. This platform was intended for people to shop and sell new and used boats. We redesigned the existing solution, made the platform mobile-friendly, and made it look fresh. We did the same with the TradeRVs platform aimed at selling and buying caravans and recreation vehicles in Australia.

Thanks to our development, our client has increased websites’ conversion rates by 480%!

Further reading: How We Delivered Boat Selling Website for Tradeaboat (Case Study)

We try to keep up with the latest trends in software development, such as virtual reality. One of such latest projects is the SaaS real estate platform. This our project shows real estate listings with 3D virtual tours.

The more complex the project, the more interesting for us to take on the challenge. One of the complex and large-scale projects we have successfully delivered from scratch is a multi-vendor marketplace platform. This solution allows users to offer and buy services or products by switching between its parts if needed.

And one more project we are proud of is a SaaS solution for bakery businesses, CakerHQ. This convenient, eye-catching, modern platform instantly allows people to book desserts. Thanks to our development, people can be sure of using only secure payments on this platform.

Lisa's review on CakerHQ

All the experience and variety of projects allowed us to form and constantly replenish the product portfolio with only modern and efficient software products.

Offered great mobile app-making and enhanced design services

Except for the projects we developed in 2022 in terms of the following services:

If you need high-quality custom mobile app development solutions that attract users and increase sales, our experts can help. Now, we are ready to provide our clients with our new mobile app development services.

Moreover, we offer our clients enhanced web design services. Our expert design team knows how to build awesome and user-friendly web solutions that people love.

Kept the event traditions

Remote work did not prevent us from creating a mood for the holidays. For example, we celebrated Easter, Vyshyvanka Day in Ukraine, Father's Day, and many other public holidays together. Codica's teammates willingly shared photos, videos, and a positive attitude with each other.

At Codica, we hold online bars on Friday evenings. What is this? We create a platform for communication and prepare topics in advance, for example, "Me before IT." Everyone gathers for an online meeting in an informal setting. It is essential that everyone feels at ease. We communicate on predetermined and completely diverse topics.

This format of team building bears fruit. Team members get to know each other better, feel less isolated, and are more connected to the company. Thus, the team spirit and the mood for working are increased.

Codica's online meetings

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Celebrated many work anniversaries

At Codica, we always celebrate the work anniversaries of our employees. We know that the growth and success of our company are mainly dependent on having strong and capable staff members. We are very proud and grateful to our colleagues for contributing to the company's development.

Codica team in 2022

We had many work anniversaries of team members in the year 2022. We are grateful for the contribution you make to the client's projects. And we want you to stay with us for many years ahead!

Started mentorship program

Mentorship has existed since antiquity. Aristotle was the mentor of Alexander the Great, and Socrates was the teacher of Plato. Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett mentored Bill Gates, and the list is very long.

A good mentor is an expert in their field who helps a less experienced person build a career, develop valuable qualities, and avoid common mistakes.

What does the mentoring program give to a mentee supervised by a mentor?

  • Increasing self-confidence and motivation.
  • Support in the formation of a personal line of development and growth.
  • Opportunity to develop existing skills, learn new things, and gain knowledge by observing and learning from others.
  • Opportunity to think broader, to see more ways to achieve the aim.

Sounds great, right? In general, mentorship programs are an effective way for companies to improve their productivity.

As the Codica team grows, we need more qualified specialists. Because we rely on the expertise of our long-serving employees, we thought it would be great if they shared their skills with newcomers.

At present, we are actively implementing the mentorship system. For now, this process is going in the back-end and front-end development environment. Subsequently, we plan to connect other departments, for example, QA.

Mentorship system of Codica

Developed our YouTube and Telegram channels


Would you mind if we took a moment and invited you to subscribe to our YouTube channel?

YouTube channel of Codica

We continued to actively develop our YouTube channel this year, which we started last year. Here are all our numerous projects, videos with tips on competent software development, interviews with employees, and much more.

Thanks to the guys actively involved in creating high-quality and entertaining YouTube videos. We also appreciate your comments below the videos. This way, you help us become better.


In our Telegram channel, you can find helpful information from the IT environment, exciting tips and author articles from our Senior colleagues, and a lot of entertaining and funny content. However, we currently release all relevant information on the channel only in Ukrainian. But in the future, we can translate it for you. How do you feel about such an idea?

Here, we always provide you with new technical development articles from our TechLead developers and offer JavaScript and Ruby on Rails challenges. You can also come across short English language tests or selections of exciting books, films, and videos.

At Сodica, the Telegram channel is run with Mister Cody, a junior ‘paweloper’.

Mr. Cody runs Codica's Telegram channel

Therefore, our PR department deserves great appreciation for their hard work in providing valuable information about the IT industry.

Also, we prepare a monthly Ruby Digest, where you can find updates from the Ruby on Rails world. These are releases, articles and tutorials, tools, and podcasts.

Produced more hot blog content

How to learn about new things and not spend too much time on them?

In a world where something happens every day, something new appears, advanced people want to be aware of all the new products. Especially the field of web and SaaS development is now evolving rapidly.

You can spend a lot of time searching in separate sources, or you can find a lot of interesting information about web development in buzz topics in the Codica blog. This year we also produced valuable and informative content that readers can find in our various new articles.

Here we collected the most popular pieces within diverse categories.





We stay strong!

Well, 2022 was not an easy year for Ukrainians. We were forced to leave our comfort zone, change some internal processes, and work on our mental state as well. However, the year still turned out to be productive. We have become even stronger, more coordinated, and more efficient.

We believe that IT companies greatly support the Ukrainian economy. And they will also help our country to recover at a fast pace after the victory. In the meantime, the struggle of the Ukrainian people for independence continues - stand with Ukraine!

Dear readers, our team wishes you a peaceful and prosperous 2023. Let it brings you a lot of happy moments! Thank you for staying in touch with us and reading all our articles.

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Yevheniia Business and Tech Writer | Codica
Business and Tech Writer
Yevheniia loves creating engaging blog articles. She helps our blog readers learn the news from the computing and information technology world.
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