We do not offer any part-time job opportunities via Whatsapp/Telegram. We are not asking for payments to get such part-time jobs. This is a SCAM, please read more details here.
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Natalya Business Partner and HR Director | Codica


Business Partner and HR Director
Natalia helps specialists develop personal skills and talents and shares insights on how you can grow professionally.
About author
I have been in the digital business and recruitment for over 18 years. Throughout these years, I have recruited hundreds of professionals with diverse skill ranges and experience. Those specialists have helped develop Codica as it is today. With that expertise, I am happy to share my knowledge of digital business and recruitment with professionals to help them find their best positions.

List of author’s articles

Codica’s Adventures in 2021: End-Year Review | Codica
9 min
December 28, 2021
2021 for Codica: a Year in Review
It is high time to sum up the results of the year that is coming to an end. Check our fresh article to find out what 2021 brought to Codica team.
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Codica authors