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Choosing a technology to create your application is one of the most critical aspects of the entire project workflow. This is a vital choice for your development team, project, and future progress. However, many beginners do not know what to choose and on which platform it is better to base the application they will develop.

Two widely known technologies in the community are Ruby on Rails vs. Node.js. So, Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment with frameworks for building fast APIs (application programming interfaces), servers, desktop applications, and even robots. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a web framework based on the Ruby programming language. RoR emphasizes convention over configuration, helping build clean and elegant code-efficient web applications.

When comparing Ruby on Rails vs. Node.js, we must realize that we can't make a general, one-size-fits-all comparison. These two technologies serve distinct purposes, each with strengths and weaknesses. However, what we can do is compare them with a specific focus on understanding their roles in backend development.

At Codica, we have a lot of expertise in using these two technologies because we have done many projects with them. For example, we developed an Online Service Marketplace for PlanMyKids with Ruby on Rails or Timebot for Slack with Node.js. So, both technologies are appropriate and always reliably serve our purposes. However, there are differences between Ruby on Rails and Node JS, which we will describe in this article.

Let's start our technical review tour!

Understanding Node.js

First, Node.js is an out-of-browser JavaScript runtime that allows you to write server-side code for web pages, applications, and command-line programs.

Node.js open-source environment

Node.js is not a separate programming language but a platform for using JavaScript on the server side. Using the platform, you can work with files, networks, databases, and other system resources on the server.

Regarding the language, the same JavaScript is used for both the frontend and backend. The only difference is in the set of APIs that frontenders and backenders use. Browser-based JavaScript uses Web APIs, which provide access to the DOM (Document Object Model) and UI (user interface) of pages and web applications. Server-side JavaScript uses APIs that provide access to the application file system, HTTP requests, and streams.

Moreover, Node.js can be installed on various platforms like Linux, macOS, and Windows. It is used to build multiple applications, including real-time chat applications, REST (representational state transfer) API servers, command line applications, and more.

Understanding Ruby on Rails

What is Ruby on Rails? So, Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails or RoR, is the most popular open-source web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT license. RoR was developed in 2004. It is known for its code efficiency and high speed.

Ruby on Rails web-app framework

Ruby on Rails was designed to help manage routines, business logic, data calculations, and other tasks. It is a web application framework well-suited for MVC (Model–View–Controller) web applications with support for databases and metaprogramming. According to David Heinemire Hanson, creator of Ruby on Rails, Ruby's original plan was about putting programmer happiness on top.

Most web servers that support CGI (computer-generated imagery) can run Rails. This platform supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, DB2, and Oracle. Moreover, Ruby on Rails has a clear, concise, and flexible syntax similar to English. This lower learning curve makes the framework especially attractive to beginners.

Node.js vs. Ruby on Rails: background

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the choice between Node.js and Ruby on Rails has become a pivotal decision for developers. Let's start Node.js analysis first.


The Node.js platform was introduced in 2009. Engineer Ryan Dahl created it, and Joyent sponsored the development. In general, Joyent supports open-source projects, including Node.js, Illumos, and SmartOS.

Ryan Dahl used the V8 engine to create Node.js. The platform is implemented with a low-level, non-blocking input-output (I/O) model built on an event-driven model. This means that Node.js can process multiple requests simultaneously without blocking other operations.

At the end of 2014, engineer Fedor Indutny, who was part of the core development team of the platform, created a popular fork of Node.js - io.js. The fork appeared due to the developers' dissatisfaction with the policies of the Joyent company.

The io.js platform was superior to Node.js in performance, but the creators of the fork decided to reunite with Node.js in 2015 to influence the development of the central platform. Currently, development is formally led by the Node.js Foundation.

Choosing server-side JavaScript for the backend provides the project with several benefits:

  • JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. By learning JavaScript, you will be able to use Node.js to create web pages and develop server-side applications;
  • You can increase development efficiency due to using one language for the frontend and backend development and the ability to reuse code;
  • Also, Node.js uses an asynchronous execution model, allowing it to efficiently process multiple requests simultaneously (up to 10,000 active connections) without blocking;
  • It allows you to create powerful server-side applications that handle client requests, work with databases, process files, and more.

Now, let’s move to the Ruby on Rails analysis.

Ruby on Rails

It is vital to understand that Ruby on Rails is an extension of the Ruby language, developed in 1993. The idea for this extension was formed in 2004. That year, when the entire world of the cyber industry was still an infant, the developer community sought something simple and basic. That's why Ruby entered the market.

Although it was very basic and simple, programmers worldwide agreed and were deeply convinced that this innovation would become one of the most promising projects among programming technologies ever created.

This is how Ruby found its community - one of the largest communities dedicated to programming technologies. By the way, this is one of Ruby on Rails' most critical positive aspects, and it can significantly influence your choice.

Below, we will consider a comparison of these popular technologies - Node.js vs. Ruby on Rails.

Read also: SaaS Product Development: Why Choose Ruby on Rails Framework?

Node.js vs. Ruby on Rails: a showdown of technology titans

Before moving to a detailed review of each of the presented comparison components, let's refer to the table. From it, we can understand what criteria can be used to describe each technology.

CriteriaNode.jsRuby on Rails
DefinitionServer-side JavaScript runtime known for its non-blocking, event-driven architectureA web framework based on the Ruby programming language, emphasizing convention over configuration
ScalabilityExcellent for scalabilityScalable but may require more configuration
PerformanceHigh performance due to non-blocking architectureGood performance, but not as fast as Node.js
CommunityLarge and active communityActive community with a strong history
FlexibilityHighly flexible, adaptableLess flexible due to convention over configuration
Cross-platform compatibilityCross-platform, can run on various operating systemsPrimarily for Unix-based systems, requires extra approaches in cross-platform development

Now, we proceed directly to the analysis of each aspect separately.


Node.js excels in scalability with its non-blocking, event-driven architecture. It's like an ever-expanding highway system designed to seamlessly adapt to waves of traffic. This component makes Node.js an ideal choice for applications that predict exponential growth or need to manage numerous simultaneous connections. Its asynchronous nature allows it to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, ensuring that performance remains smooth even under heavy workloads.

On the other hand, Ruby on Rails, while certainly scalable, may require more configuration and optimization to achieve the same level of scalability as Node.js. The convention-over-configuration approach in Rails promotes a structured environment, which can sometimes demand additional effort for large-scale applications.

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Node.js stands out as a high-performance opponent thanks to its non-blocking I/O model. This model ensures that I/O operations don't block the execution of other tasks, resulting in rapid and responsive applications. It is built for speed and can easily handle real-time applications and data-intensive processes.

Ruby on Rails may not match the lightning-fast pace of Node.js. It operates more like a reliable and steady technology, offering good performance and consistent results, particularly for web applications that don't require real-time processing or asynchronous capabilities.


Both Node.js vs. Ruby on Rails enjoy the support of powerful and active communities. Node.js boasts a dynamic ecosystem with many contributors, libraries, and packages available through npm. It overflows with resources and opportunities for collaboration.

On the other hand, Ruby on Rails has a well-established and loyal community. This community has a rich history and strong presence, offering valuable insights, gems, and best practices.


Node.js prides itself on flexibility, akin to a vast open landscape ready for exploration. Its ability to adapt swiftly to changing project requirements or new technologies makes it universal. Whether you're building a REST API, a real-time chat application, or a serverless function, Node.js can seamlessly adjust to your needs.

Ruby on Rails, while offering flexibility, follows a more narrow approach, primarily due to its convention over configuration. It provides a structured framework with predefined patterns, which can streamline development but may require developers to adhere more closely to these conventions. This structure ensures consistency but might be less adaptable to unconventional project requirements.

Cross-platform compatibility

In the realm of cross-platform compatibility, Node.js showcases its versatility. It is designed to run on multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and various Unix-based platforms, making it an adaptable choice for developers working across different environments. This cross-platform capability allows for greater flexibility in deploying applications, ensuring they can reach a wider audience regardless of the user's preferred operating system.

On the contrary, Ruby on Rails, though not limited to a single operating system, primarily finds its comfort in Unix-based systems. This may require additional configuration and adaptations when deploying on Windows.

Do you know the primary benefits of the Node.js? Let’s check them together!

Essential advantages of Node.js

Node.js is a framework developed by JavaScript. Based on this, our experts state it is perfect for creating various mobile applications for different platforms. However, the functionality of this technology is much broader and more diverse.

For example, using Node.js makes it possible to construct various server programs to help you communicate and exchange information with Windows, MacOS, and Unix-based servers. But besides this, Node.js has a perfect set of positive qualities demonstrating the difference between Ruby on Rails vs. Node.js. Let's take a closer look at these advantages.

Advantages of Node.js

Development speed

When discussing the pros and cons of Node.js, you need to remember that this aspect may be the most important for the technology. For any developer or businessman, time is money, so it is crucial to have a platform that can work without bugs, errors, and speed limits.

The JS developers did their best and achieved an outstanding result. They decided to power the entire platform using Google’s V8 engine, which increased its speed and improved the code's cleanliness.

Code splitting

Distributing responsibilities among programmers can be a significant advantage. Thus, Node.js provides this capability. Thanks to the simplicity of the platform's background structure, most developers can employ techniques and strategies to develop critical parts of the application separately. These techniques are called NPM packages.

Streaming data

If you are working on an application, one of the essential things to speed up and ease the development process is streaming data. Thanks to technological advances in JS, you can work with them. Due to the increased speed, processing files and key elements becomes faster and easier, which benefits almost every aspect of the platform.

Proxy server

If you're using Node.js, data streams aren't the only benefit. With the server's capabilities and functions, you can organize a proxy server to speed up and facilitate the development process. As a result, you will save time and money.

Also, such an essential matter as communication can rise to a new level. With better connections and technological aspects, connecting with other developers and programmers becomes easier.

Moreover, there are a few other vital positives to using Node.js. First, it is a compelling technology, allowing you to organize complex and large projects using JS tools. It is in demand and popular among developers. Therefore, it has many extensions and additional software to simplify work and solve specific problems and difficulties. Finally, ease of monitoring is also a good feature of Node.js.

Further reading: Ruby and PHP: Which Is the Best Fit for Your Startup?

Node.js use cases

In general, Node.js allows you to develop robust and scalable server applications. The platform is used to create web servers, APIs, real-time applications, other server apps, SSR (server-side rendering) for React, and other frontend frameworks.

Web development

Using Node.js, create full-fledged web applications, work with databases, manage routing, and process requests from clients.

Node.js is well suited for developing Real-Time Applications - web apps that respond to user actions in real-time. For example, this could be an online editor like Google Docs, which allows several users to work on one document simultaneously.

Streaming data

Node.js excels at streaming data, especially when working with extensive or real-time data. This is a valuable platform for developing systems for processing data streams, video streaming, chats, and other applications requiring efficient data transfer.

Development tools

Node.js is also used to create module builders, development environments, task automation tools (for example, building a project, running tests), and other tools that make it easier to develop and work with JavaScript code.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Node.js provides capabilities for communicating with devices, processing sensor data, managing and monitoring devices, and integrating with cloud services. For this purpose, there is a software environment called Espruino, with which you can develop embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) based on microcontrollers. It is also based on the JavaScript language.

Command line

Node.js can also be used to create command tools and scripts on the server. The platform provides access to system resources and allows you to automate tasks on the command line.


Node.js is suitable for building microservice architectures, where individual system components can be implemented as separate services that interact with each other through APIs.

Popular companies using Node.js:

  • Netflix: This company began using Node.js to provide massive internet streaming to over 182 million users. Netflix also intended to expand the use of Node.js to include content production.
  • Uber: Due to its asynchronous primitives and simple single-threaded processing, Uber's core ride execution engine was originally developed in Node.js.
  • PayPal: In replacing Java, PayPal decided to use JavaScript from the browser to the backend for building web applications.
  • NASA: After an unfortunate accident in space, NASA decided to use Node.js to protect its data better and even prevent loss of life.
  • LinkedIn: Due to its scalability and efficiency, LinkedIn chose Node.js and stopped using Ruby on Rails.

By the way, Node.js is particularly well suited for systems of record that store all of their data in memory.

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Common Node.js challenges

Node.js stands out as a powerful platform in the diverse web development landscape. Its non-blocking architecture is a double-edged sword, offering high performance and flexibility while presenting unique challenges that developers must address.

Processor-consuming tasks

Node.js succeeds in tasks that involve handling numerous coincident connections and real-time applications. Still, it may struggle when dealing with processor-intensive tasks like image processing or complex mathematical calculations.

To tackle this challenge, developers often employ techniques like breaking tasks into smaller parts, delegating heavy calculations to worker threads, or even considering alternative technologies for CPU-bound operations.

Security issues

While Node.js simplifies many aspects of web development, it also introduces unique security challenges. Developers must diligently prevent common vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

Below is a vivid example of CSRF.

Cross-Site Request Forgery example

The dynamic npm ecosystem also poses a potential risk if poorly vetted dependencies are used. So, developers must exercise warning and ensure their packages are up-to-date to guard against security threats.

And now, let's move on to the analysis of Ruby on Rails, particularly its benefits.

Main advantages of Ruby on Rails

RoR remains a top choice for those who value both the art and science of custom web development. Let's dive into the key strengths that set RoR apart:

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Convention-over-configuration approach

Ruby on Rails is synonymous with elegance and simplicity, thanks to its convention-over-configuration approach. This philosophy minimizes the need for developers to make endless choices about the structure and organization of their code.

Instead, RoR follows a set of sensible defaults and conventions, allowing developers to focus on building the unique aspects of their application. This streamlined workflow significantly reduces development time and enhances code readability, making it a perfect choice for teams aiming for consistency and efficiency.

Rapid application development (RAD)

Its convention-driven structure, extensive libraries, and developer-friendly features speed up development. Whether you're building a prototype or a full-fledged application, Ruby on Rails empowers you to quickly bring your ideas to life. This is invaluable in today's fast-paced tech landscape, where time to market is critical.

Extensive libraries and gems

RoR's expansive library of pre-built modules and gems is akin to a well-stocked library, offering solutions for common development challenges. These gems can range from authentication systems to database management tools, enabling developers to add powerful features to their apps with minimal effort. This vast ecosystem simplifies development, making it easy to build feature-rich applications.

Developer-friendly features

Ruby on Rails prioritizes the developer's experience, providing a user-friendly environment that fosters creativity and productivity. With its elegant syntax and a focus on readability, Ruby on Rails is a language that programmers adore.

It promotes a clean and intuitive code structure, making it easier for developers to collaborate and maintain codebases. The integrated testing framework also ensures quality and reliability, reducing the chances of errors creeping into the code.

Full-stack framework

Ruby on Rails is a full-stack framework covering both the front- and backend of web applications. This all-encompassing nature ensures a tied and consistent development experience.

Developers can work on both sides of the application using a single language, simplifying collaboration between different parts of a development team and reducing the learning curve for new team members.

Ways to use Ruby on Rails

It is well-known that Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework for various development scenarios. Here are fundamental ways to optimally utilize Ruby on Rails:

Full-stack web app

Ruby on Rails is tailor-made for the development of full-stack web applications. Its comprehensive web framework covers a project's frontend and backend aspects, ensuring a unified development process. Developers can seamlessly integrate the database, business logic, and user interface, facilitating the creation of feature-rich, dynamic, and user-friendly web apps.

Content management systems

Ruby on Rails is a powerful partner for those aiming to create content-driven platforms. Its flexibility and modularity allow developers to design customized content management systems that suit specific project requirements.

Whether it's a corporate blog, an online magazine, or a multimedia-rich website, Ruby on Rails empowers you to create efficient and user-friendly content management solutions. The framework's convention-over-configuration approach streamlines the content publication process, enhancing the content creation experience for users and administrators.

Prototyping solutions

RoR is well-known for its rapid application development capabilities. This makes it a superb choice for prototyping, where speed and agility are vital. Ruby on Rails allows you to transform concepts into functional prototypes swiftly.

Its extensive library of gems, intuitive syntax, and comprehensive testing framework facilitate quick iterations and efficient testing. This accelerates the development cycle, enabling you to evaluate ideas, gather feedback, and make informed decisions with minimal time and resource investments.

Well-known companies that use Ruby on Rails:

  • Airbnb. This company has been using Ruby on Rails since its start. The framework plays a vital role in Airbnb's technology stack.
  • GitHub. Its backend is Ruby on Rails, with over 200 million code repositories and 32 million monthly users.
  • Shopify. It is an excellent example of a complex yet well-structured and user-friendly Ruby on Rails e-commerce platform that over 820,000 merchants use.
  • Fiverr. This company also adopted Ruby on Rails at launch, which is still the technology that powers their online marketplace service.

Now, let's discuss Ruby on Rails vs. Node.js basics in more detail.

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Common Ruby on Rails challenges

Of course, Ruby on Rails has its set of challenges. Let's explore these key obstacles to overcome them:

Performance speed

While Ruby on Rails offers a seamless development experience, its performance speed can be a concern for some projects. Ruby is known for being slower compared to languages like JavaScript or Python.

Identifying and minimizing bottlenecks within the application can significantly boost performance. Choosing the right hosting and server configuration can further improve application speed, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Garbage collection

Ruby on Rails employs a garbage collector to manage memory. While this automated process simplifies memory management for developers, it can sometimes be less efficient, leading to performance bottlenecks. Inefficient garbage collection can result in memory leaks and increased response times.

To combat this challenge, developers must closely monitor memory usage, identify problematic areas, and optimize code to reduce memory outflow. In some cases, alternative solutions like manual memory management may be necessary, especially for applications with high memory demands.

Security concerns

Ruby on Rails, despite its robust framework, is not resistant to security concerns. Addressing these issues is crucial for a secure application. Security challenges within Ruby on Rails can arise due to various factors, such as inadequate input validation, insufficient authentication mechanisms, and vulnerabilities in third-party libraries or dependencies.

One prevalent challenge is the risk of SQL (structured query language) injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Below, you can see an example of SQL injection attacks.

SQL injection attacks

These threats exploit vulnerabilities in the application's input validation mechanisms, allowing attackers to manipulate SQL queries or inject malicious scripts into web pages. Preventing these attacks involves thorough input sanitization and parameterization of SQL queries, as well as implementing proper output encoding to mitigate XSS risks.

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Bottom line

Is Node.js better than Ruby on Rails? First of all, this formulation of the question is mistaken. As you can see from our analysis, each competitor has purposes, advantages/disadvantages, use cases, and vibrant communities, increasing or decreasing their popularity among developers. But whether to use them is up to you based on the components we discussed in this article.

Ruby on Rails and Node.js may appear as apples and oranges when viewed through a general lens. However, the real insight emerges when we shift our focus to backend development. In this domain, both technologies play crucial roles but follow distinct scripts. Whether you opt for the agility of Node.js or the elegance of Ruby on Rails, both lead to developing outstanding web apps.

Are you planning to bring in a cutting-edge tech stack for your forthcoming business project? With our custom software development services, the Codica team delivers robust and scalable solutions.

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